In up to date economic conditions all more and more companies aim to optimize and minimize expenses on the fixed assets (machines, technique and equipment). Also for optimization of expenses an important factor there is renting of office workers with the hardwares of which they hire.
By an important criterion in this area for two sides (companies and drivers) there is a correct and clear conduct of account of expenses depending on the real terms of working hours, as for example place residence, job, how many miles of not utilize for business and many other factors which substantially influence on the cost of services. On the other part important also to take into account interests of drivers, such as actual costs on a car, insurance payments, current costs (breakages, fuels and lubricants, wheels etc.)
Optimal to decide this task a company CRS will help. This corporation offers Car allowance for optimization of motor-car sector of services.
For companies propose the few decisions which will help to minimize costs. Basic from them it is been:
- Administrative Costs
- Personal Use Expense
- Maintenance Costs
- Idle Vehicle/Disposal Costs
- Capital Expense
For drivers CRS company offers few decisions, which will take into account all risks, related to the conduct of business, help in optimization of taxes and insurance of responsibility optimum. Here basic from them.
- Fair and Accurate
- Tax-Free
- Flexible
Basic services which are offered by service followings:
Personalized Driver Reimbursement Schedules – CRS will conduct an analysis for each driver to determine rates.
Program Management – CRS completely manages the entire reimbursement program
Motor Vehicle Record Checks – CRS will obtain annual Vehicle Record checks for each driver
Driver Safety Training – CRS provides guidance train “high-risk” drivers to operate their vehicles more safely
Employee Mobility Consulting Services – CRS implementing and administering a car program for corporate objectives
Online Business Mileage Logs – CRC do offer an efficient web-based tool for monitoring your drivers reports
This post sponsored of the CRS corporation