Infographic: How VW will conquer the world by 2018

From almost becoming bankrupt in 1993 to reaching a record $23.8 billion in profits and becoming the world’s number one car manufacturer, Volkswagen has certainly gone a long way from being the “people’s car” to being “The Car” as its current slogan states.

Sales comparisons indicate that as early as 2006, VW had already started on its way to the top and by 2011 has already surpassed the rest in terms of worldwide sales. Forecasts for 2018 indicate that VW will further exceed all other carmaking groups.

The infographic below also features the five simple reasons why VW has raced to the top among car manufacturers. The first reason is former VW chairman Ferdinand Piech’s demanding and aggressive management which has propelled the group to success. Second, VW covers every market–mass car, commercial vehicle, premium car, sports car, and luxury car markets. Third, VW beats its competitors by sharing parts among different car models and reducing price and saving costs. Fourth, VW took its chances with China, which has now the biggest car market in the world. And last but not least, VW has established a culture of innovators and risk-takers.

As the numbers would show, VW has a number of subsidiaries and has established its presence in every car market. Globally, VW is surely gaining its hold in different parts of the world. Looking forward, VW aims to dominate the market with new models and factories, and increase their market growth by 2018.

View the infographic below:

How VW will conquer the World by 2018
How VW will conquer the World by 2018 – created by the team at Car Loan 4U